What We Believe And Preach
Our Beliefs:
Our beliefs are simple and rooted in the Bible. We believe that God wants everyone to understand the Bible and therefore we teach the Bible in simple ways. We seek to build upon the beliefs we hold in common with other Christians, rather than try and define ourselves by our differences. These statements of belief represent a consensus of what the leadership of our church believes the Bible teaches on key issues.
About God:
We believe there is only one God who is the Creator of all things, and that He is eternally existent in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and that each possesses the full attributes of Deity.
About Jesus Christ:
We believe in Jesus Christ who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, that His death on the cross is the only means through which we can be made right with God, that He bodily rose from the dead and ascended to the right hand of God, and that He will return again to reign in power and glory.
About the Holy Spirit:
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, who lives in each follower of Christ and who enables all of them to live God-honoring lives.
About Humanity:
We believe mankind willfully sinned and as a result is lost and without hope apart from receiving Jesus Christ.
About Salvation:
We believe that forgiveness of sins is available only by the grace of God through what Jesus did for us by dying for our sins on the cross, and that this free gift of forgiveness is available to each person who places their faith in Jesus Christ.
About the Christian Life & Baptism:
We believe that those placing their trust in Jesus Christ should turn from their old way of living, confess their belief in Jesus, and be baptized into Jesus Christ.
About Eternity:
We believe that death seals the eternal destiny of each person. Those who are forgiven will spend eternity with God; those not forgiven will be eternally separated from God.
About the Church:
We believe in the spiritual unity of the Church on earth, consisting of all Christians.
Note: Our beliefs are aligned with our fellow believers of Journey Christian Church.