Men For Life

At Life Center Church we strive to come alongside of our men and help them glorify God as they walk towards fulfilling His purpose for their lives. The Men’s leadership team meets on a regular basis to pray, plan, and strategize for meaningful ways to engage and invest in our men so that they connect with Jesus Christ, God’s Word and other men. We encourage you to join us as we walk through life together.

Women For Life

At Life Center Church it’s our desire to encourage women of every season to develop and maintain a vital relationship with Jesus Christ, build meaningful friendships, and to equip them for moments of outreach and service. Please join us as we seek to study God’s Word and build each other up with the Love of Jesus Christ.

Children For Life

Life Center Church Youth Ministry is designed for ages 2 through 18. The mission of our children’s ministry is to supplement the family in providing a biblical and spiritual foundation that will guide children toward a relationship with Jesus Christ, and encourage them to grow in their faith. We want all parents and attendees to participate in worship, uninhibited by the concern of child care.

Singles For Life

Knowledge brings power. Through God’s Word we learn how living the “single” life can lead to the miraculous. Devoting time and focus to God is what brings a lasting change into an individual’s life. Learn how to use this season of “singleness” as a time for sowing good seed into your spiritual walk.

Ageless Builders For Life

The Ageless Builders small group are our 55+ community. This group looks to connect in outreach engagement both within and beyond the four walls. They extend a hand of assistance, support and comfort through mentorship, volunteerism, and leadership for a cross-generational community. They are a viable resource of both practical and spiritual insights for successfully navigating life. As a pivotal part of community, they serve in building connection and promoting continuity.